Allar myndir með þessari færslu eru frá 7. nóvember. Þar ber mest á myndum frá Spildu sem var stungin upp í gær og verður ekki meir unnið í henni á þessum vetri. Það var frostskán á henni og minntu hnausarnir jafnvel á taðhnausa fremur en mold allavega í forminu. Einnig var gaman að rekast á eina fallega rauðrófu á milli hnausanna. Fræið sem notað var í vor var mis gamalt fræ frá Kristnesbændum og ríkti nokkur spenna um hvaða jurtir mundu spretta af þeim og hve mikið. Ég hafði einhvernvegin vonast eftir dálitlu af rauðrófu en ekkert kom. Svo var sumarið auðvitað fremur kallt fram í september. Þannig var rófan sem upp var tekin í nóvember dálítið undrunarefni. Annars eru myndir með þessari færslu af Kaffikorg og umhverfi Einkasafnsins. - All photos with this post are from November 7th. There are mostly photos from Spilda, which was turned yesterday and will not be worked further this winter. The ground was frosen at the top and the clumps even reminded me of a sheep-dung-clumps rather than earth, at least in terms of shape. It's was also nice to come across a beautiful beetroot between the clumps. The seed that was used this spring was older seed gotten from the Kristnes farmers and there was some excitement about which plants would sprout from them and how much. I had somehow hoped for a bit of beetroot but nothing came. Also the summer was rather cold until September. Thus, the beet found in November was a bit of a surprise. Otherwise, the photos with this post show Coffee-grounds and the surrounding of the Personal Collection.