Forsíðu myndin var tekin 29. desember og fyrsta myndin með færslunni hinar eru allar frá 2. janúar 2024. Það var tölvert frost þann 29. eins og megnið af desember mánuði og jafnfallinn snjór. Annann janúar hafði hinnsvegar verið hiti í á annann sólarhring þarna var hitinn 3° celsius. Fyrst og fremst er viðfangsefnið umhverfi Einkasafnsins á þessum dimmustu dögum ársins, ein mynd er af kaffikorgsfjallinu. Við óskum fylgjendum okkar gleði og gæfu á nýju ári. - The cover photo was taken on December 29th, and the first photo with the entry, all the rest were taken January 2nd, 2024. It was significant frost on the 29th, like most of December, and evenly lying snow. On the second January however, there had been heat for the last two days on that moment temperature was 3° celsius. First and foremost, the subject of the post is the surroundings of the Personal collection during these darkest days of the year, one picture is showing Coffeegroundsmountain. We wish all our friends followers joy and happiness in the new year.