Fors 0225

Endinn á júní og fyrri hluti júlí

Ein mynd sýnir Örnu Valsdóttur mynda verk eftir Brák Jónsdóttur af sýningu hennar Nestled-in sem stóð frá 29. júní til 7. júlí. Það sést í fleiri verk af sýningunni á einhverjum myndum að öðru leyti eru myndefnin hefðbundin: kaffikorgur, lífrænir afgangar, Skiki og Einkasafnið inni og úti. Myndirnar eru teknar 30/6. tvær þær fyrstu, þá 5/7. þrjár, 6/7. fimm, 7/7. tvær, 9/7. sjö auk forsíðu myndarinnar og loks fylgja átta myndir frá 10/7. - One photo shows Arna Valsdóttir photographing a piece by Brák Jónsdóttir from her exhibition Nestled-in, which ran from June 29 to July 7. More works from the exhibition in can be seen in some of the photos, otherwise the subjects are traditional: coffee-grounds, organic leftovers, Skiki and the Personal Collection inside and outside. The photos were taken on 30th of June the first two, then 5th of July the next three, followed by five photos from the 6th, two photos from the 7th, nine photos were taken 9th of July plus the cover photo, and finally eight photos from 10th of July.

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