Það var sitt lítið af hverju þennan fallega vordag. Spildan var heimsótt og tekin út eftir veturinn í fyrsta skipti í vor. Bætt var í kaffikorg fjallið sem telst varla til tíðinda en þá brá svo við að fjöllin voru tvö. Það var sem sagt eins og mig grunaði, að eftir desamberveðrið var fjallið frá síðasta sumri tínt og allar viðbætur af korg lentu dálítið austar. Svo voru viðarvarðar hornstoðir væntanlegrar spennistöðvar og auðvitað bættist við umbúða safnið eins og alltaf. - It was a bit of this and a bit of that, this beautiful spring day. Spilda, my environmental work was visited for the first time this spring. Coffee-grounds were added to the coffe-grounds mountain, which is hardly considered news. But then the mountains were two. It was as I had suspected. After the December weather, the mountain from last summer had disappeared and all the additions of coffee-grounds were a little bit to the east. Then the wooden beams for each corner of the potential electric-center were made water resistant and of course packaging materials was added, as always.